Swift 3 & CocoaPods
Have a CocoaPod which you updated to Swift 3? Great! Want to submit this updated Podspec to CocoaPods trunk? Awesome! Right, just run pod spec lint, and then…oh wait…it didn’t lint…
The problem
Yep, you most likely got “ ‘Use Legacy Swift Language Version’ (SWIFT_VERSION) is required…”. Why? Well, Xcode 8 supports multiple Swift toolchains, and SWIFT_VERSION is an Xcode build setting indicating which Swift version to use when building your project. This build setting is required to be configured correctly for targets which use Swift. When CocoaPods is linting your pod it builds it, but this build will fail if the SWIFT_VERSION is not set.
The solution
You need at least version 1.1.0.rc.2 of CocoaPods. Check your version
pod --version
Uninstall your current version
gem uninstall cocoapods.
Install the required version
gem install cocoapods -v 1.1.0.rc.2
Now, we need to specify our pod should be built with Swift 3, as the default version used is Swift 2.3. Create a .swift-version file in your root project directory
touch .swift-version
Edit this using your favorite editor
Finally, run pod spec lint, watch it succeed, and have a celebratory cup of tea.